Funding for Occupational Therapy Continuing Education Courses

Continuing Educational Opportunities

Continuing professional education opportunities can be found at the following sites. If you would like to post an educational opportunity please contact SSOT .

  • Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists (CAOT)

  • University of Saskatchewan: Continuing Education in Rehabiliation Science (CERS)

  • Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists - BC Chapter (CAOT-BC)

  • Society of Alberta Occupational Therapists (SAOT)

  • Ontario Society of Occupational Therapists (OSOT)

  • New Brunswick Association of Occupational Therapists (NBAOT)

  • Nova Scotia Society of Occupational Therapists (NSSOT)

  • American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA)

  • The Canadian Society of Hand Therapists (CSHT)

A practising licence is not required for an occupational therapist to provide education in Saskatchewan. A licence is only required if the educational event includes treatment of clients. If you are planning an occupational therapy educational event in Saskatchewan, SSOT encourages you to ensure that the presenter clearly states in writing (handouts and brochures) and during the session introduction which province or country they do have a licence to practice occupational therapy in.

On-Going Courses and Continuing Education

The Master of Education in Health Sciences Education (MHSE) is an online, part-time program designed for working health professionals looking to build knowledge in areas of educational practice relevant to their professional context. The program uses a cohort model to optimize the professional learning experience. Join an interprofessional cohort in virtual live classes. This is a course-based program that can be completed in two-and-a-half years. For more information or to register, please follow the link.

There are a variety of graduate programs that may be of interest to Occupational Therapists depending on your research interest.  As an example, the MSc and PhD programs in Health Sciences at the University of Saskatchewan are thesis-based graduate programs for students performing research within any of the clinical departments in the College of Medicine or the School of Physical Therapy.  Areas of research are varied and are dependent on the research interests, expertise of the student and their research supervisor.  Additionally, these programs offer relevant, centrally managed, mandatory courses that provide research skills, attitudes, and knowledge necessary for any life and health science graduate regardless of the nature of the research project.  For a complete listing of  graduate programs at the University of Saskatchewan or University of Regina.

McMaster University offers an on-line Master program, directed to healthcare professionals who are seeking to assume or have assumed a leadership role in a variety of healthcare sectors. Graduates of the program will demonstrate new knowledge and skills in communication, political and healthcare environments, organizational behaviour and human resources management, research awareness and leadership. This on-line, part-time, course-based degree fits easily into an individual's lifestyle. You are welcome to review our website for more information.

If you want to respond to the changing health landscape, disrupt the status quo, and lead innovation and meaningful change, then apply to the Emerging Leaders Program. This one-week, intensive leadership program for students and young professionals provides you with the necessary skills to lead across the health system. Learn more about Emerging Leaders by visiting our website.

If you're ready for an engaging leadership program, then Pathfinder is for you. Pathfinder is an eight-week personalized leadership development program to build the leadership capabilities of health leaders. Chart your journey in health leadership with personalized coaching. Learn more about Pathfinder by visiting our website.

The Professional Leadership Certificate will provide you with increased awareness and understanding of leadership and will enable you to become a more effective, evolved leader. You will explore the philosophies of a well-rounded leader from a career and personal perspective.  Specialize in Career Development or Personal Development to customize your Certificate to your career direction. Professional Leadership Certificate courses can also be taken as individual professional development seminars to brush up on your know-how or adding new skills to your professional repertoire.  For more information, please follow the link.

In light of COVID-19 we have cancelled all our in-person workshops this year, and are excited to instead offer a full roster of interactive online workshops. If you're interested, you can find our new workshop schedule here for CTRI and for ACHIEVE, or feel free to let me know which workshops you'd like to highlight and I can format and send you the info for those!

The Institute for Life Course and Aging has developed Workshops to meet the demand for ongoing professional development among healthcare workers and other professionals working with the aging population. Workshops vary in cost, duration and format – online, in-person, webcast and offer participants the opportunity to work at their own pace, interact with instructors and with other participants from a wide variety of perspectives and backgrounds. For more information or to register, please follow the link.

ATMA Journey Centers has embarked on disseminating a training program for healthcare professionals this past year related to psychedelic assisted psychotherapy.  We have been struck by the significant interest varied healthcare disciplines have shown in learning about the psychedelic medicine renaissance and would like to connect with your members to make them aware of this training opportunity.

As you may be aware, in recent years significant and credible data has been obtained through clinical trials completed by reputable academic bodies, which has underscored the efficacy and effectiveness of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy.  John Hopkins University and NYU pioneered these studies into the power of psychedelic medicines in 2006, and we now see growing numbers of universities, academic and pharmacological bodies adding support to the relative safety and effectiveness of psychedelic assisted therapy.

The data on effectiveness of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy is becoming hard to ignore, especially when psychedelic medicine could potentially help millions of Canadians coping with rising mental health issues.

Licensed mental health care professionals are integral to psychedelic-assisted therapy and will lead this new therapeutic revolution.  Therapists' ability to ensure that psychedelic-assisted therapy is more accessible, and practiced with integrity and in an ethical manner is paramount, and this begins with accessible and effective training..

We are here to support therapists with training, resources, and services to help therapists adopt psychedelic-assisted therapy into their current practice.

About our CE accredited program

About us

Monthly webinars on topics related to seating and mobility are offered free of charge by Sunrise Medical Canada Inc.

Webinars are offered on:

• The second Tuesday of every month from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Eastern Time (ET)
• The second Wednesday of every month from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Eastern Time
• The second Thursday of every month from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. Eastern Time
• The second Thursday of every month from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Eastern Time
Each one-hour webinar is complimentary. Follow the link to register.
A Certificate of Attendance is available after each session.

Please contact Sheilagh at if you have any questions.

Providers can register for ECHO Coping with COVID using the link below. Once registered, providers will receive a zoom link to join the sessions. Each session includes a mindfulness exercise, COVID-19 Q&A, resource updates, short didactics on COVID-19 related topics, and discussions on health care provider experiences with the COVID-19 pandemic.  Participants can register for the program and drop in to sessions that work for their schedule – they do not have to attend all sessions.

When does it run?

Sessions run alternate Fridays from 2-3pm EST.

What topics will be covered?

Curriculum topics are developed to meet changing provider needs. Below are some examples of topics:

  • Resilience and Post Traumatic Growth

  • Updates on Mental Health and COVID-19

  • Virtual and In-Person Care

  • Managing the Holidays

  • Caring for Patients with Long COVID

How do I join?

To register please visit:

If you have any questions, please email us at

OHCOW is pleased to announce our free annual international event continues into its 23rd year to increase awareness and prevention of musculoskeletal disorders. Due to Covid-19 restrictions this year's event will be held virtually only and has been extended from a one-day event to a weekly webinar series for the entire month of February.

Registration for this free event is required in order to participate.

For agenda, dates, times, and registration please follow the link below.  Also please feel free to share and promote.

The Master of Education in Health Sciences Education program, through the University of Alberta, provides all health professionals the opportunity to obtain a masters degree in the comfort of their home without taking leave of their careers.  This part-time, blended program is designed to meet the needs of those who are interested in furthering their skills and knowledge in teaching and learning, even though professional development might seem challenging during this time. Attached is more information for distribution.  Applications for September 2022 admission are now open! Visit our website or attend an information session - dates are listed at Contact us at for details.

The Speaker SeriesIntersections in Rehabilitation is planned in response to the growing concern and awareness of how systemic inequities and racism impact health outcomes, including rehabilitation.  We have invited four speakers who will bring perspectives stemming from Critical Race Theory from the social sciences to inform research, teaching, and clinical practice in rehabilitation sciences.


For more information or to register, please follow the link.

Edwards Executive Education develops and delivers transformative teaching and learning opportunities that will advance innovative and entrepreneurial thinking, prepare future-ready professionals, and encourage a culture of wellness.  We offer numerous programs that are related to risk management, ethics, leadership in the workplace, and how to effectively work with others. Below are links to the program webpages for further information!

  • Assessing and Managing Risk:

  • Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Essentials for Supervisors:

  • Leadership Essentials for Supervisors:

  • Total Program List:



A complimentary full-day education and networking event with presentations by leading healthcare professionals and equipment suppliers.


• Round Robin Presentations – Adult & Pediatric streams

• Trial & Review the latest and greatest in rehab mobility, seating & home accessibility products

• Guest speaker Linda Norton, M.Sc.CH, PhD, OT Reg. (Ont.) presenting on the topic of wound care & skin health*

• Guest speaker Jacob Wasserman presenting on the topic of

"Your Mental Health is Your Wealth"

• Lunch & Refreshments

• Free Parking

To register, please follow the link.


Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is the support provided to a person who may be experiencing a decline in their mental well-being or a mental health crisis.

Course participants will learn how to:

  • Recognize signs that a person may be experiencing a decline in their mental well-being or a mental health crisis

  • Have conversations that encourage a person to:

    • Talk about declines in their mental well-being

    • Discuss professional and other supports that could help with recovery to improved mental well-being

    • Reach out to these supports

  • Assist in a mental health or substance use crisis

  • Use MHFA actions to maintain one's own mental well-being

For more information or to register, please follow the link.


A complimentary full-day education and networking event with presentations by leading healthcare professionals and equipment suppliers.


• Round Robin Presentations – Adult & Pediatric streams

• Trial & Review the latest and greatest in rehab mobility, seating & home accessibility products

• Guest speaker Linda Norton, M.Sc.CH, PhD, OT Reg. (Ont.) presenting on the topic of wound care & skin health*

• Guest speaker Jacob Wasserman presenting on the topic of

"Your Mental Health is Your Wealth"

• Lunch & Refreshments

• Free Parking

To register, please follow the link.


Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is the support provided to a person who may be experiencing a decline in their mental well-being or a mental health crisis.

Course participants will learn how to:

  • Recognize signs that a person may be experiencing a decline in their mental well-being or a mental health crisis

  • Have conversations that encourage a person to:

    • Talk about declines in their mental well-being

    • Discuss professional and other supports that could help with recovery to improved mental well-being

    • Reach out to these supports

  • Assist in a mental health or substance use crisis

  • Use MHFA actions to maintain one's own mental well-being

For more information or to register, please follow the link.

Course participants will learn how to:

  • Recognize signs that a person may be experiencing a decline in their mental well-being or a mental health crisis

  • Have conversations that encourage a person to:

    • Talk about declines in their mental well-being

    • Discuss professional and other supports that could help with recovery to improved mental well-being

    • Reach out to these supports

  • Assist in a mental health or substance use crisis

  • Use MHFA actions to maintain one's own mental well-being

For more information or to register, please follow the link.


Course participants will learn how to:

  • Recognize signs that a person may be experiencing a decline in their mental well-being or a mental health crisis

  • Have conversations that encourage a person to:

    • Talk about declines in their mental well-being

    • Discuss professional and other supports that could help with recovery to improved mental well-being

    • Reach out to these supports

  • Assist in a mental health or substance use crisis

  • Use MHFA actions to maintain one's own mental well-being

For more information or to register, please follow the link.

This course is over 4 weekends - October 14th - November 27th.

For more information, please visit

Course participants will learn how to:

  • Recognize signs that a person may be experiencing a decline in their mental well-being or a mental health crisis

  • Have conversations that encourage a person to:

    • Talk about declines in their mental well-being

    • Discuss professional and other supports that could help with recovery to improved mental well-being

    • Reach out to these supports

  • Assist in a mental health or substance use crisis

  • Use MHFA actions to maintain one's own mental well-being

For more information or to register, please follow the link.

Join us for CAG2022: Closing the Research-Practice Gap

The Canadian Association on Gerontology (CAG) is the preeminent multi-disciplinary association in Canada for persons who work with or on behalf of Canada's aging population.

CAG will hold its 51st Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada from Thursday, October 20 to Saturday, October 22, 2022 at the Delta Hotels by Marriott Regina. The theme of CAG2022 is Closing the Research-Practice Gap: Knowledge Mobilization and Implementation Science.

Through this annual conference, you have the opportunity to showcase your organization, products, services, research and other information to more than 500 professional decision-makers including physicians, health care professionals, researchers, academics, health and community service administrators, government representatives, national organization executives, students, and seniors. For more information about the conference, please visit

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic we are living in a rapidly evolving world. Many of us are experiencing some degree of Pandemic Fatigue – mental/cognitive fatigue and additional mental health impacts where previous coping strategies are not as readily available or effective. Long COVID comes with further debilitating challenges that we are learning about in real time. This workshop weighs in on what we know of the symptoms and impacts on daily functioning so far, what are the similarities to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Post Intensive Care Syndrome. This workshop reviews the Occupational Therapy evidence-based approach to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) and Post Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS) which assists to inform us in addition to available evidence with Long COVID. Evidence based tools to assess mental-cognitive fatigue, ADL, IADL are included in the workshop. Clinical case examples, video and small group discussion are used. Workshop materials include intervention resources, assessment tools and supporting research articles. Registration is limited to allow for small group learning.

Our live virtual interactive workshop offers and teaches the M.A.C. — Maximize Assessment Capabilities — an integrated occupational therapy model for assessment and treatment.


·         Current research on Long COVID, implications for OT practice

·         Signs and symptoms of Long COVID

·         Understanding and impacts of post exertional malaise, cognitive fatigue and other symptoms

·         Evidence based approach for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) and Post Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS) – how this informs our approach with Long COVID

·         Hierarchy of objective assessment tools for mental-cognitive fatigue, ADL, IADL


Lorraine Mischuk O.T. Reg. (MB) CEO-Managing Clinician Maximize Human Capabilities

Lorraine has owned and operated Maximize Human Capabilities since 1997, with overall clinical experience spanning over 30 years. She has taught at the University of Manitoba for the College of Rehabilitation Sciences - Occupational Therapy and the Department of Extended Education, has conducted workshops through the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists and presented at numerous HR conferences across Canada and international symposium sponsored by WHO Europe.

After launching MAC in 2018, Lorraine has conducted sold-out workshops in Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver. Since adopting the live virtual platform, Occupational Therapists from across Canada, U.S. Australia and Ireland have attended from the comfort of their home or office.

For further information and to register

Inquiries: | 204 453 8705

You are invited to a Virtual Live LSVT BIG® Training and Certification Course hosted by SAOT. This course is a mix of online self-paced learning and virtual live interactive learning designed to train occupational and physical therapy professionals and students in an evidence-based, intensive, treatment program for individuals with Parkinson's disease and other conditions.


• October 30 – December 1, 2022: Complete 3 hours of pre-recorded online content

• December 2, 2022: First virtual live session 12:00 PM – 6:00 PM (Eastern)

• December 3, 2022: Second virtual live session from 12:00 PM – 5:30 PM (Eastern)

• December 3 – 18, 2022: Complete final exam


Professional – $605.00 USD SAOT Paid Members save $50 USD*

Student – $325.00 USD SAOT Student Members save $30 USD*

*Login to your Member Dashboard to access your discount code.

Previously Certified – $225.00 USD

Group discounts are available for 5+ participants registering together

Register Here for the Virtual Live LSVT BIG® Training and Certification Course
Select the Virtual Live LSVT Big Course December 2-3 and follow the steps to complete your registration

For more information, view an LSVT Big brochure here.


Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is the support provided to a person who may be experiencing a decline in their mental well-being or a mental health crisis.

Course participants will learn how to:

  • Recognize signs that a person may be experiencing a decline in their mental well-being or a mental health crisis

  • Have conversations that encourage a person to:

    • Talk about declines in their mental well-being

    • Discuss professional and other supports that could help with recovery to improved mental well-being

    • Reach out to these supports

  • Assist in a mental health or substance use crisis

  • Use MHFA actions to maintain one's own mental well-being

For more information or to register, please follow the link.

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is the support provided to a person who may be experiencing a decline in their mental well-being or a mental health crisis.

Course participants will learn how to:

  • Recognize signs that a person may be experiencing a decline in their mental well-being or a mental health crisis

  • Have conversations that encourage a person to:

    • Talk about declines in their mental well-being

    • Discuss professional and other supports that could help with recovery to improved mental well-being

    • Reach out to these supports

  • Assist in a mental health or substance use crisis

  • Use MHFA actions to maintain one's own mental well-being

For more information or to register, please follow the link.

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is the support provided to a person who may be experiencing a decline in their mental well-being or a mental health crisis.

Course participants will learn how to:

  • Recognize signs that a person may be experiencing a decline in their mental well-being or a mental health crisis

  • Have conversations that encourage a person to:

    • Talk about declines in their mental well-being

    • Discuss professional and other supports that could help with recovery to improved mental well-being

    • Reach out to these supports

  • Assist in a mental health or substance use crisis

  • Use MHFA actions to maintain one's own mental well-being

For more information or to register, please follow the link.


Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is the support provided to a person who may be experiencing a decline in their mental well-being or a mental health crisis.

Course participants will learn how to:

  • Recognize signs that a person may be experiencing a decline in their mental well-being or a mental health crisis

  • Have conversations that encourage a person to:

    • Talk about declines in their mental well-being

    • Discuss professional and other supports that could help with recovery to improved mental well-being

    • Reach out to these supports

  • Assist in a mental health or substance use crisis

  • Use MHFA actions to maintain one's own mental well-being

For more information or to register, please follow the link.

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is the support provided to a person who may be experiencing a decline in their mental well-being or a mental health crisis.

Course participants will learn how to:

  • Recognize signs that a person may be experiencing a decline in their mental well-being or a mental health crisis

  • Have conversations that encourage a person to:

    • Talk about declines in their mental well-being

    • Discuss professional and other supports that could help with recovery to improved mental well-being

    • Reach out to these supports

  • Assist in a mental health or substance use crisis

  • Use MHFA actions to maintain one's own mental well-being

For more information or to register, please follow the link.

March 2023

The Sequential Oral Sensory (S.O.S) Approach to Feeding workshop is a trans-disciplinary program for assessing and treating children with feeding difficulties and weight/growth problems from birth to 18 years. It integrates posture, sensory, motor, behavioral/learning, medical, and nutritional factors to comprehensively evaluate and manage children with feeding/growth problems.

Register online at:



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